National Random Acts of Kindness Week

National Random Acts of Kindness Week
2/15/2016 2/19/2016

WACS will be participating starting on Tuesday, 2/16 and will have a different thing going on each day. Much like Red Ribbon Week we will have a daily theme. Students and Staff can participate on the theme dress down/dress up. The following are our themes for this year.
Monday-No School, President's Day
Tuesday 2/16 - Kindness Rocks - dress like a rock star.
Wednesday 2/17- Be the Change -. Students wear black shirts and we will collect change in homerooms that will be donated to the WACS Autism Speaks Walk team in March.
Thursday 2/18 - Be Someone's Hero - Dress like a superhero.
Friday 2/19 - Hats off to Kindness. Wear crazy hats.

Staff will also be recognizing students for their Random Acts of Kindness during school.

Please join WACS in showing that Kindness Can Change the World!

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