Students » Academic Honesty Agreement

Academic Honesty Agreement

Western Academy Charter School expects all students to do their own homework, to test without using unauthorized help and to submit original work for all assignments.  We expect students not to cheat or turn in any work that is not their own.  Students are required to appropriately cite their references and deny all requests from others to copy classwork, homework, assessments, and tests.


Academic dishonesty includes but is not limited to the following:

  • Turning in any work that is not the student’s own work
  • Using electronic devices to cheat, including but not limited to looking up, photographing, or texting information
  • Copying another student’s work
  • Allowing another student to copy your work
  • Putting your name on another student’s paper/project/work
  • Using or attempting to use a “cheat sheet” or any unauthorized materials on a test/quiz
  • Giving another student help on a test/quiz
  • Tampering with the teacher’s grades or tests


Classroom teachers are responsible to determine if cheating has occurred. Academic dishonesty is cumulative for the duration of the school year, not a per class/marking period incident. 


First and Second Offenses

  • Zero on assignment/test
  • Parent notified by teacher
  • After school detention assigned by teacher


Third Offense

  • Zero on assignment/test
  • Parent meeting with teacher and administration
  • Saturday detention assigned by administration


Fourth Offense

  • Zero on assignment/test
  • Parent meeting with teacher and administration
  • In-school suspension (ISS) assigned by administration


Fifth (and any subsequent) Offense

  • Zero on assignment/test
  • Parent meeting with teacher and administration
  • Out-of-school suspension (OSS) assigned by administration


Note: Saturday detentions, in-school suspensions, and out-of-school suspensions will be entered into the student’s permanent record.