School Safety: A Guide for Parents
Be sure all of your emergency contact information is current and correct. Contact the school immediately whenever your work, home or cell phone number changes.
Keep the clinic informed of any medical conditions or physical limitations your child may have or medications your child may be taking. Provide the necessary medical forms, supplies and medication for daily use.
Identify who is authorized to pick up your child if you are not able to respond. Make sure the contact information is current and correct. Please understand that your child will only be released to parents and persons identified on the emergency contact list. It is important to notify the school if you are going through any legal matters: Custody Issues, Protective Orders, and Guardianship.
Make sure your child knows their parent or guardians name, address and phone number.
Talk to your child about the importance of remaining calm and following instructions in the event of an emergency. If an emergency occurs while at school, their teacher will provide them with the appropriate instructions and information.
Explain that cell phones should not be used during an emergency. Emergency responders will depend on cell phones for communication. If students and parents are trying to contact each other, cell phone circuits may become overloaded interfering with the ability of emergency personnel to communicate vital information.
Whenever you are on school grounds remain alert to activity in and around the school. Report any suspicious activity to school administration so they can investigate.
The most helpful parental response to a school emergency is to remain calm, be patient, and wait for accurate information.
It is important for you to understand that during such an event our school and emergency responders have made preparation to deal with these incidents and will follow the established emergency procedures and protocols.
Please do not call the school. Keep phone lines open so school officials can make outgoing emergency calls. If the school is in a lockdown or evacuation we do not answer any phones.
Please do not go the school. One of the greatest challenges in a school emergency is how to manage parents and concerned citizens rushing to the scene to help. By doing so, parents can inadvertently create traffic jams that may block emergency responders from getting to the scene or leaving if necessary to transport injured staff or students to emergency medical facilities.
- Remain calm, follow procedures and cooperate with school and safety officials.
- Remain close to the phone listed as your emergency contact number.
- Tune it to reliable radio and television stations for updates.
Understand that emergency pickup procedures are different from routine pickup procedures. In the event you are notified to pick up your child at school or at the designated off-site family reunification site, bring a photo identification card.
The school’s off-site family reunification site will be based on the actual situation. Communication will be relayed through Jupiter Grades with specific instructions . Students may be brought to the location by buses and will be dismissed to parents and guardians as quickly as possible.
Be patient. So that the school can protect and account for all of our students, unifying you with your child must be done safely and orderly. Please follow school staff directives.
Because the safety of our students and employees is a top priority, all visitors and volunteers, including parents, must sign in to the main office, present a picture ID, and obtain a visitor or volunteer sticker from our Raptor system. Visitors and volunteers are not allowed to be on the school campus without a sticker at any time. Anyone without a sticker will be directed to the office to obtain one. Failure to comply is a safety issue and you will be referred to a school administrator.
Public schools are required to practice emergency response procedures by conducting practice drills throughout the school year. These practice drills include: Evacuations, Fire Drills, Lockdown, Shelter in Place and Severe Weather Drills.
If you arrive to the campus during a lockdown drill, you will be asked to wait outside until the drill concludes.
If you are inside the building you will be asked to go into the lockdown procedure and you will not be able to leave until the drill has ended.
If you are picking up your child from school, you will be asked to wait until the drill has ended.