Student Age Child Care (SACC) » SACC Policy

SACC Policy

Mission Statement


The mission of the Western Academy Charter School is to provide a quality program that supports children’s physical, emotional, social, and cognitive development in a safe, secure environment before and after school hours.


Daily Activities


The after-school program's daily schedule includes arts and crafts, board games, computer time, homework time, movies, special events, and outside play (weather permitting). If a child wishes to do so, they may study independently or read quietly. A snack time of 15-20 minutes is allocated indoors every day. 


Start Date:                 Thursday, August 12, 2024


Days Available:         Monday-Friday, school days only


Hours of Operation

Before School Care

Western Academy Charter School offers before-school care services from 6:45 to 7:45 a.m. To ensure our students' safety, all children arriving on campus prior to 7:30 a.m. must enroll in the program. The cost per hour is $3.50 per child. Free breakfast is available from the Palm Beach County School District Food Service (based on a grant and is subject to change).


After School Care

Western Academy Charter School offers an after-school care program from 2:45 PM to 6:00 PM. The cost is $3.25 per hour for the first child and $2.75 per hour for each additional child. In addition, a $5.00 activity fee is included each month.


We offer two options, and they MUST be designated by the 1st of every month:

        • Part-Time till 4:00 PM
        • Full Time till 6:00 PM



Upon acceptance into the afterschool program, a completed registration form and a $25.00 registration fee are due, which secures a student’s place in the program. 


The $25.00 registration fee (per student) is non-refundable after the first school day.



One snack and one drink will be provided every day. The daily snack schedule is on our school website. Please let us know if your child has any food allergies or special requirements. If your child does not like the snack provided, you may send in an alternative.



Please notify the school as soon as you know you will no longer need the program. Please be aware that once your child is withdrawn from the program, there is no guarantee that space will be available should your child need to return. There will be NO REFUND FOR UNUSED OR MISSED DAYS.


Payment Schedule/Options

Fees are based on the number of school days in each month.  Payments in cash (exact amounts only), personal checks, money orders, or cashiers’ checks will be accepted.  Checks, money orders, or cashier checks must be handed in during pickup from the program.  The front office or your student’s teachers can NOT accept these payments.  Make all checks payable to “Western Academy Charter School” or WACS.  Please place your child/children’s name(s) on all checks, including the month it relates to and whether it is FT, PT, and/or AM.



Western Academy Charter School is accepting online payments via ACH or credit card.  Monthly invoices are sent for this service.


All fees are considered late if not received by the 7th calendar day of each month (excluding August).  Tuition must be paid in full for the entire month; it cannot be paid by the hour.  Any fees not received by the 10th calendar day of the month will receive a 10% late penalty.  Any accounts with an outstanding balance on the 15th calendar day of the month will receive a $25.00 reinstatement fee (per child) on the account, and your child/children will not be allowed to participate in the program until all outstanding payments have been paid.   If these due dates fall on a weekend, holiday, or school break, they will be due the next school day.  If payment is not made within the 15th calendar day of the month, your child will be removed from the program.


If a check is returned due to insufficient funds, payment must be made by money order or cash for the remainder of the year. A $25.00 fee is charged for all returned checks. 


Parents are obligated to pre-pay monthly charges, and payment is expected by the third week of the previous month.  Once your child/children have started the month, payment must be made for the ENTIRE month, even if students are withdrawn before the month is complete.


These collection procedures will be strictly enforced. Failure to comply will result in the removal of your child/children from the program.


Western Academy Charter School is an authorized provider of services through Early Learning Coalition Palm Beach County or ELCPBC (formerly Family Central). They can be reached at 561-514-3300. However, failure to pay the parent fees and file all the appropriate paperwork with ELCPBC for reimbursement to WACS will result in the removal of your child/children from our program unless other payment arrangements have been made.


Attendance Policy

As a result of our need to ensure the safety of our students, the following policies must be followed:

  1. Students enrolled in the After School Program are expected to attend/report on all school days.
  2. If your child will not be attending on a regularly scheduled day, you must notify the school after-care office, not the main office, by 1:00 pm or provide written notice before the absence. The After Care phone number to call in your child’s absence is 561-795-2186. 
  3. Failure to notify may result in the student’s name being removed from the aftercare program.  Notification of removal will occur by written correspondence.

Students will NOT be dismissed from aftercare between 2:45 PM and 3:15 PM due to the interference it causes during our normal dismissal.  Students will start being dismissed at 3:16 PM.



Discipline follows the Western Academy Charter Schoolwide Discipline Plan to the fullest extent possible. However, before- and after-school child care is not a required educational program. Therefore, students with repetitive behavior issues that compromise their safety or others may be involuntarily withdrawn from the program at the Administration's discretion. If a student is removed from the program due to discipline reasons, any prepaid funds will be refunded as a prorated amount based on the number of days in attendance during that month.


Health Procedures

Students unable to stay with their groups due to injury or illness will be held at the afterschool office or sign-out location.  This program follows school-day guidelines in dealing with emergencies.  If necessary, minor first aid is administered by qualified staff, and parents/guardians are notified when they sign out. For serious illness or injury, the afterschool office contacts parents/guardians immediately, and immediate pick-up is necessary.  To avoid injury, students are expected to follow the school day dress code and wear close-toed shoes for safety at all times.


Afterschool personnel cannot administer medication unless a medical authorization form is signed by a parent or guardian and the physician form is on file in the afterschool office. Students are not allowed to possess any medication at any time except for prescribed asthma inhalers.


Drop Off (Before School Care)

To ensure the safety of all children, every child participating in the before-school program must be signed in daily by an authorized adult. Students should NOT be dropped off in front of the school, as the front office will be closed until 7:30 a.m.


Release of Students

To ensure the safety of all children, every child participating in the after-school program must be signed out by an authorized adult. Only those persons listed on the registration form or student-authorized pick-up list will be permitted to sign out your child.


If there is a custody issue, a custody order from a Florida Court must be provided to the Administration, who will give a copy to the After-Care Director.




Anyone signing out a child must be able to provide proper identification (picture ID) before the child is released. Be prepared to show ID upon request. This is for your child’s safety. Please do not feel offended if asked to show photo identification. The school requires that whoever signs out a child must show ID, use their full signature, and put down the accurate time.


Late Fees

The collection of late fees will be rigidly enforced.  The official time is shown on the clock at Western Academy Charter School.


For Half-time program

4:00 – 4:05      Grace Period              

4:06 – 4:15      $5 late charge (per child)

4:16 – 4:30      $10 late charge (per child)

4:31 – 4:45      $15 late charge (per child)

4:46 – 5:00      $20 late charge (per child)

5:01 – 5:15      $25 late charge (per child)

5:16 – 5:30      $30 late charge (per child)

5:31 – 5:45      $35 late charge (per child)

5:46 – 6:00      $40 late charge (per child)


After 6:00 pm, there will be a $5 fee per minute charge (per child).  After 6:01, the police will be notified to arrange transportation of the student. 


For Full-time program

There will be a $5 fee per minute charge (per child).  After 6:01, the police will be notified to arrange transportation for the student. 


The school will send a payment notice home with the student, and payment is required within five business days. Failure to comply will result in the removal of your child/children from the program until payment is received.


Exceptions will be made for parents calling in advance to let us know of an emergency. 


Every attempt will be made to contact someone on the emergency card to pick up the student.


The official time is shown on the Western Academy School office clock.  These collection procedures will be strictly enforced.  Failure to comply will mean removing your child/children from the program until payment is received.



The Florida Department of Health (the Department) monitors influenza, or “flu,” activity levels throughout the school year. Flu is a contagious respiratory disease caused by influenza viruses. It can cause mild to severe illness. Serious outcomes of flu infection can result in hospitalization or death. Some people, such as young children, the elderly, and people with certain health conditions, are at high risk of severe complications from flu. The Department is encouraging families to get vaccinated for flu now.


Vaccination is the best way to protect against the flu and severe complications from it. Vaccination is crucial for children with underlying health conditions such as asthma, diabetes, heart disease, and neurological and neurodevelopmental conditions. The flu vaccine is offered in many locations, including pharmacies, clinics, employers, and schools. Contact your health care provider or county health department, or visit to find a flu vaccine center near you.


The flu vaccine is safe. The National Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) recommends that all individuals six months of age and older receive the flu vaccine yearly. Since infants under six months of age are too young to get vaccinated against influenza, family members (including pregnant or breastfeeding mothers) and other caregivers for these children must be vaccinated to help protect them from the disease.


Parents must keep sick children at home to prevent the flu virus from spreading to others. Additional flu prevention steps include staying away from people who are sick, covering sneezes or coughs with a tissue or your elbow, avoiding touching your eyes, nose, and mouth, and frequent handwashing.


If your child becomes sick with a flu-like illness, contact your healthcare provider as soon as symptoms begin. Symptoms of the flu often include fever, cough, sore throat, runny nose, body aches, headaches, or fatigue. Antiviral medication for flu has been shown to reduce the severity and length of the disease, decrease the risk of complications from influenza, and reduce the risk of death among hospitalized patients, particularly in those who start treatment early in their illness. Healthcare providers can prescribe antiviral treatment if appropriate. Treatment is most effective when started within 48 hours, so contacting your healthcare provider as soon as your child becomes ill is important, especially if your child has underlying health conditions.


The best way to keep yourself and your family safe and healthy during flu season is to:

          • Get vaccinated;
          • Keep sick family members home;
          • Contact your healthcare provider if you or your child are experiencing flu-like symptoms; and
          • Follow your doctor’s guidance on treatment.

For more information, please visit


Open Door Policy

Western Academy’s aftercare policy is based upon the belief that a child’s development is best promoted through a partnership between home and school. Parents and legal guardians are encouraged to visit our aftercare program without a prior appointment and observe their children. While we do have an open-door policy, the safety and security of our students are paramount. As a safety feature, all parents or guardians will have their photo ID scanned and entered into our Raptor system under the Florida State Jessica Lunsford Act for pre-approval and clearance. Photo identification will be required.  At visitation, all parents or guardians must check in at the aftercare desk and sign into the visitor's computer. Only pre-cleared parents or guardians will be allowed to enter the aftercare program.  Only approved parents or guardians may enter to avoid disruptions to the program.  Additional visitors or children are not permitted. 


Personal Items

Our program, school, and staff are not responsible for lost or stolen items. Children should be careful with the items they bring to school and leave them in their backpacks. Expensive items should NEVER be brought to school.


Tax Information

For filing your annual income taxes, our FEIN is 56-2316078.  Western Academy Charter School, with a written request, will provide a printout of the payments received.  This printout is informational only.  The IRS will not accept this printout as an acceptable backup during an audit or review of your return.  They will require bank copies of canceled checks.


We will also provide payment verification for employer child care reimbursements upon written request.


Prime Time Palm Beach County

Western Academy Charter School participates in Prime Time Palm Beach County, Inc.

Prime Time is a non-profit intermediary organization dedicated to out-of-school time (OST) programs. It oversees a system for reaching quality standards through assessment, program improvements, and quality coaching. Prime Time also provides professional development, career advising, and network opportunities to our staff and, through partnerships, supports a range of enrichment activities available to OST programs.


Prime Time partners with local organizations to offer expanded learning opportunities to our students at no additional cost. These organizations offer programming in academics, health and wellness, integrated arts, and positive youth development.






Tuition must be paid in full for the entire month before services are rendered. If student(s) enroll after the first installment due date, the monthly tuition must be paid upon registration. Payments not made on or before due dates are subject to a late payment charge and reinstatement fee.



I understand and agree to abide by the policy that there is a two-week written notice for withdrawing any student from the afterschool program.  In addition, I understand no refunds or credits will be given for vacations, illness, withdrawals, or disruptive behavior releases.  I understand that if fees are not paid by the due date, a late payment fee will be assessed, and my student will automatically be withdrawn from the program. I further understand there is no guarantee space will be available at a future date should I wish to reenroll my student.  I also understand that if my student is picked up late, there is a late pick-up fee.  If picked up late more than three times, my student is subject to dismissal from the program with no refunds or credits given.



I understand that for the safety of my student(s), any person I assign to pick up my student(s) must produce a photo ID upon request at sign-out daily.  I further understand that I, or any person I assign, am/is required to use official complete signatures on any and all afterschool documents, including registration forms, sign-out sheets, parent/guardian notes, etc.  Furthermore, every sign-out sheet must include the time of pick-up.  I also understand that my student’s information must be updated regularly. Inappropriate behavior, including hostile, threatening language from parents/guardians, can result in parents/guardians having to make other arrangements for student pick-up.  Failure to follow these policies will result in immediate dismissal of the student from the program.



I give permission for my student(s) to be signed out by Western Academy Charter School teachers/staff in order to help in classrooms and receive extra help, tutoring, after-school sports, clubs, etc. I understand that my child will be under the supervision of school staff when they are signed out of the program.



Behavior reports indicate ongoing problems needing to be resolved.  Behavior plans and parent/guardian/teacher support will be sought, and age-appropriate consequences will be assigned as necessary.  Students receiving three behavior reports during the school year may be dismissed from the afterschool program.  Reasons for behavior reports include, but are not limited to, any violence, failure to follow directions or safety rules, inappropriate language, disrespectful behavior towards the afterschool staff and/or others, etc.  Should it be determined that a student’s behavior proves harmful to him/herself or others, immediate dismissal from the program will result.



I have read and understood the influenza information to parents regarding the importance of the flu vaccine.



I have read, understood, and accepted all afterschool rules, policies, and procedures of the Western Academy Charter School Age Child Care Program (SACC).